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Need some help getting Clear?

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Inquiries: general or related to the method Get Clear

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You can easily address your questions to the different parts of the method ‘Get Clear’ as described in the book:

A quick summary of each part of the method can be found below.

Answers to questions could be via blogs, videos or email. I will answer as many questions as I can.


Please relate your questions to the 4 parts of the method


This stage helps you to gain clarity about the your personal drivers to want to speak or to refuse to speak.

The biggest sabotaging acts presenters experience is being in their own way.

Excitement can turn into sabotaging activities. Awareness about the underlying driver to accept the speak is essential to be in charge of your own success.
Know your personal motivation and be your ally.


This stage helps you to gather all the information you need before writing down the first letter of your presentation.

Afterwards starting with the end in mind helps to create a story out of your topic.

One size fits all is a direct ticket to sabotaging yourself. Adjust the presentation to your audience.

You win when your audience wins. Always adapt the content to your audience.


The biggest mistake presenters make is to NOT rehearse. If you do not rehearse at least once, you will rehearse during your delivery.

Rehearsing sets you up for success. Rehearsing increases your confidence and raises your credibility as you will sound clear.

To sound clear you first need to hear yourself speak. It’s logic. Do not let your delivery become your rehearsal.


When you deliver you can enjoy the work you have put into preparing and rehearsing.

Delivering is an experience for both the audience and yourself.

Stay out of sabotaging activities like interpreting the audience behavior to only confirm your worst nightmares, instead keep your attention fully to your content and why you are speaking in the first place.