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In the first part we highlighted the sabotaging activities that are created from the content of your backpack.
This part goes one step further. During the Focus phase you can find out what your beliefs are about the people you will present to. What do you think about your audience?
This might sounds like a strange question but the underlying reason for this question reveals the impact neglecting this question can have.

Your body language reflects the thoughts you have. Those thoughts also have an impact on the voice. Even though you might be saying something positive or neutral, when your thoughts are rather negative then that’s the message you speak with your body and voice.

You might be irritated that you need to step in for someone else, you might be thinking that the people you speak too are not worth your time, you might be thinking that it’s silly to have to give a presentation to get an approval. Whatever it is, if it makes you annoyed, irritated, bored, angry or frustrated, guess what will happen? During your presentation you will act upon it and you will very quickly be perceived as arrogant. No one wins this one: not you, not your audience. If you think you’re wasting your time to present then do your audience a favor and do not present, so that you do not waste their time.

When you are in this situation that frustration is most likely to appear, you will need to take action immediately. During the preparation, rehearsals and delivery, you send this part of you on holidays. Activate the parts in you that want to see you succeed and want to deliver a message worth hearing.

Every part in us has its role, that’s true. For presenting, certain parts are better sent off on holidays until the task is done, like irritation, frustration and annoyance. You need to activate the parts in you that want to see you succeed: concentration, pro-activity, clarity, connection.

Respecting yours and the audience’s time requires you to be your true Ally.